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Sobre nosso curso de Inglês para o ENEM (Prof. L2):

Preparatório Inglês para o ENEM. Veja o cronograma do curso: Capítulo 1 - Aula 1. Presentation Parte 1 Aula 2. Presentation Parte 2 Aula 3. Presentation Parte 3 Aula 4. Presentation Parte 4 Aula 5. Presentation Parte 5 Aula 6. Presentation Parte 6 Aula 7. What time is it Aula 8. Present Continuous Parte 1 Aula 9. Talking About Money Aula 10. Present Continuous Parte 2 Aula 11. Modals Aula 12. There is there are Aula 13. Object Pronouns Aula 14. Prepositions Aula 15. Past simple Aula 16. Past Continuous Aula 17. Past Simple and Past Continuous Aula 18. Ing Forms- Nouns and Adjectives Aula 19. Adverbials of Time Aula 20. Past Continuous II Aula 21. Talking About Childhood Aula 22. Adjectives Aula 23. Question Words Aula 24. Talking About the Future Aula 25. Past Participle Aula 26. Hate like love and prefer - Capítulo 2 - Aula 27. Prefer Aula 28. Phrasal Verbs Aula 29. Phrasal verbs 2 Aula 30. Conjuctions Aula 31. Conjuctions - Parte 2 Aula 32. Transitional Words Aula 33. Count Uncount Nouns Aula 34. Present Perfect Aula 35. Present Perfect 2 Aula 36. Determiners Aula 37. American vs British Aula 38. I Wish Aula 39. Hypotheses Aula 40. Hypotheses Aula 41. Past perfect - Parte 1 Aula 42. Can Could Aula 43. Will have Would have Aula 44. Past perfect - Parte 2 Aula 45. Past Perfect continuos Aula 46. Double Object Verbs Aula 47. The Past Aula 48. Adverbs Aula 49. Comparative and Superlative Aula 50. Adjectives and Prepositions Aula 51. Direct and Indirect Speech Aula 52. For Aula 53. Relative Clauses - Parte 1 - Capítulo 3 - Aula 54. Relative Clauses - Parte 2 Aula 55. Relative Clauses - Parte 3 Aula 56. Cohesive words and phrases Aula 57. Cohesive words Aula 58. Cohesive phrases Aula 59. Reading comprehesion - Parte 1 Aula 60. Reading comprehesion - Parte 2 Aula 61. Verb pattems Aula 62. Idiomatic expressions Aula 63. If clauses review - Parte 1 Aula 64. If clauses review - Parte 2 Aula 65. Passive voice - Parte 1 Aula 66. Passive voice - Parte - 2 Aula 67. Passive voice - Parte 3 Aula 68. Countable and uncountable noums - Parte 1 Aula 69. Countable and uncountable noums - Parte 2 Aula 70. Countable and uncountable noums - Parte 3 Aula 71. Common errors - Parte 1 Aula 72. Common errors - Parte 2 Aula 73. Cohesive words and phrases Aula 74. Cohesive words Aula 75. Cohesive phrases Aula 76. I wish Aula 77. Hypotheses Aula 78. American (US) vs Britsh Aula 79. Encerramento. Garanta sua vaga hoje mesmo!

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